permissible to the trust’s investment; (b) be in compliance with one of the following; 10 1. the investment scheme is regulated by a securities and exchange regulator that is an ordinary member of the
regulator of such persons or a signatory member of the Memorandum of Understanding on the ASEAN Capital Market Professional Mobility Framework. Chapter 5 Duties of Intermediary Clause 19 An intermediary shall
related to the applicant, and can demonstrate that such person will be able to perform the assigned matter until the maturity date; (3) there is no reasonable ground to suspect that the regulator of the
characteristics in Group 2: (1) [i] being accused by the regulator of financial institution, regardless of local or foreign jurisdiction or being prosecuted as a result of such complaint, or [ii] having been
สังหารมิทรัพย ทั้งนี ้ โครงการดังกลาวตองจัดตั้งโดยไดรับอนุญาต จดทะเบียน หรือการดำเนินการอื่นใดในทำนองเดยีวกันจากหนวยงาน กำกับดูแลหลัก (home regulator) ที่มอีำนาจกำกับดูแลโครงการจัดการลงทนุตางประเทศ
) หนงัสอือนุญาตใหเ้พิม่ทุนจากหน่วยงานทีก่ ากบัดแูล (lead regulator) (กรณีทีก่ฎหมายก าหนดใหต้อ้งขออนุญาต)(ถา้ม)ี ฉบบัจรงิ 0 ฉบับ ส ำเนำ 1 ฉบับ หมำยเหต ุ (ในกรณีทีย่ืน่ค ำขออนุญำตเสนอขำยหุน้ทีอ่อกใหมแ่ละ
. a large number of redemption due to panic or the issuer unable to pay the principal and the interest within the prescribed period. Such practices should be reviewed and tested. (6) Having corrective
. a large number of redemption due to panic or the issuer unable to pay the principal and the interest within the prescribed period. Such practices should be reviewed and tested. believe that the market
list or having an appraisal permission from the regulator of the jurisdiction wherein the asset is located; (b) in the absence of a list pursuant to (a) (a), the asset appraiser shall have any of the
institution which is governed by a main regulator and later obtains a license to undertake securities business, but not including a financial institution licensed to undertake securities borrowing and lending