Digital Asset Webinar “ Policy Implication for Digital Asset Regulation: A Peek at Global Movements
Digital Asset Webinar “ Policy Implication for Digital Asset Regulation: A Peek at Global Movements
Digital Asset Webinar “ Policy Implication for Digital Asset Regulation: A Peek at Global Movements
of Thailand’s Capital Market”Research Direction: “Sustainable Investing in Thailand: Patterns and Preferences”Research Presentation and Discussion: “Assessing the Impact of One Report Regulation on
the proposed revisions to the Terms and Conditions via the above website. For further details and inquiries, please call the Legal and Regulation Development Department of ThaiBMA at 0-2257-0357 ext
the proposed amendment and the draft regulations. The proposed amendment is summarized as below: 1) the current regulation requiring DA operators to submit each advertisement piece and
specified by the SEC regulation. The SEC, therefore, suspended Jaturada and Viboon for the same periods, taking effect simultaneously with the SET?s orders.
on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSCs) in the areas of corporate governance and securities regulation thereby boosting confidence of both local and international investors.
The SEC is proposing to amend the regulation on filing the application for establishment and management of mutual funds by allowing electronic submission of all required documents through the Online
SEC is proposing to amend the regulation on the establishment and management of the paperless mutual funds in accordance with the Thai capital market development plan, and to become a part of the