, -6.7%YoY, but increasing +3.3%QoQ from unrealized foreign exchange gain. Reported net profit ( post- TFRS 16) stood at Bt7,001mn, slightly decreased by bt234mn compared to PRE - TFRS 16 adoption. 5 2Q20
prior year. It mainly increased from employee benefit expenses. Net Profit The Group reported total net profit for this quarter at THB 8.1 million, decreased by THB 17.4 million or 68.2% when compared to
% Administrative expenses (9.68) (8.59) 1.09 -11.28% (30.12) (25.84) 4.28 -14.21% Profit from operating activities 26.79 11.03 (15.76) -58.83% 85.23 48.96 (36.27) -42.56% Share of gain(loss) on investments in
period was declined when comparing to the same period of the previous year. However, the Company and its subsidiaries were able to resume their net profit in the current quarter compared to the first
statement represents net gain of Baht 21.83 million, which increased by Baht 106.24 million or 125.86%. The separated statement represents net gain of Baht 23.59 million which increased by Baht 109.37 million
auditor as follows: Statements of Comprehensive Income for the 2nd Quarter Ended June 30, 2020 Operation : Consolidated Profit & Loss Statement 2Q 2Q % Unit : THB million 2020 2019 change Revenue from Non
% 7.69% Even though the total revenue decreased compared to the previous year, the net profit margins are improving as a result of the gain from foreign exchange in the 3-month period ended 31 March 2020
(33.37) -68.17% Share of gain of investments in associates (0.04) (0.40) (0.35) 836.84% 2.85 (2.01) (4.86) -170.47% Finance costs (0.04) (0.08) (0.04) 100.61% (0.18) (0.22) (0.05) 25.73% Profit before
% 63 (119) -290% Elimination (52) (3) (7) (99) (10) Profit attributable to owners of the Company 993 1,146 1,007 1% -12% 3,076 2,153 -30% Basic earnings per share (Baht) 0.72 0.83 0.73 2.23 1.56 Note: 1
the cost of sales. Core Net Profit is the Reported Net Profit less extraordinary items less tax adjusted inventory gain/loss. Net Operating Debt is Net Debt (total debt less cash and current investments