impact from fluctuation of exchange rate . 2. Sales cost to revenue ratio increased by 1.36% (from 96.22% to 93.58%). 3. Gain from foreign exchange increased by 64.87 million baht (from loss 26.43 million
เทล แบงค็อกนางพรอนงค์ บุษราตระกูล เลขาธิการ ก.ล.ต. กล่าวเปิดงานนายเรอโน เมเยอร์ ผู้แทน UNDP ประจำประเทศไทย กล่าวเปิดงานMr. Pedro Cortez, Impact Management Specialist, Business Call to Action Ms
using UNDP tools. (3) Leverage private investment towards achieving the SDGs. Capacity Building on Business and Human Rights, Business Integrity, etc. Enabling the Application of UNDP SDG Impact Standards
SMART targets และให้ impact outcomes • เปา้หมายท่ีเลือก/ก าหนด ควรมีกรอบเวลาท่ีชดัเจน เพ่ือแสดงใหเ้ห็นความมุ่งมั่น • มีศกัยภาพท่ีสามารถท าไดจ้รงิ ความพรอ้มในปัจจบุนั (ก าลงัคน ระบบการจดัเก็บ ขอ้มลู พนัธ
of Iwaki-Fukushima and Ueda Solar Power Projects with the Company's total attribution installed capacity of approximately 20.11 megawatts. This is done to avoid the impact from the Projects
new ordinary shares of CAZ will reduce the effect of the dilution effect to the shareholders of the Company. The details of the proportions are as follows. Securities offered to the Company's ordinary
sales amounted to THB 3,179 million increased by THB 724 million or 29.5%. The main contributor was sales from CLMV amounted to THB 1,064 million or 69.8% of which can offset the impact of reduction in
offset the impact of reduction in export sales to some countries which are affected by the unfavorable industry environment and in early stage of brand awareness building. Domestic sales amounted to THB
offset the impact of reduction in export sales to some countries which are affected by the unfavorable industry environment and in early stage of brand awareness building. Domestic sales amounted to THB
. The downside was mainly stemmed from the impact of export contraction affected by the global economic slowdown, prolonged US-China trade tension and the Baht appreciation. As for economic outlook in