1 Ref. No. JUTHA-10/2563 November 2, 2020 Subject: Amendment of Articles of Association, Debt to Equity Conversion Constituting a Connected Transaction, Issuance and Offering of Newly Issued Ordinary Shares to Specific Investors (Private Placement) constituting a Connected Transaction, Reduction of Registered Capital, Increase of Registered Capital, Amendment of Memorandum of Association, Waiver from the Requirement to Make the Tender Offer for all Securities of the Business by Virtue of the res...
alternative assets, such as REITs/infrastructure funds/ property funds/ private equity/ commodity indices/ gold/crude oil, at an average of not less than 80% of NAV in an accounting period If a fund has an
กับแผนกำรผลิต ค่ำกำรกล่ันพื้นฐำนปรับตัวดีขึ้นจำกไตรมำสก่อนหน้ำ อย่ำงไรก็ตำมค่ำกำรกล่ันรวมลดลง ส่วนใหญ่ ได้รับผลกระทบจำกต้นทุนน้ ำมันดิบส่วนเพิ่มเทียบกับดูไบ (Crude premium over Dubai) ที่ปรับกว้ำงขึ้น
of natural gas corresponding to the crude oil price in the world market, the new accounting standard (Thai Financial Reporting Standard) regarding the financial instruments (TFRS 9) and the lease
order to ensure that our sustainable development practices are on par with international standards. KBank, meanwhile, strongly believes that good corporate governance is essential for sustainable business
consolidated risk management framework through development of essential infrastructures and processes for timely and appropriate management of the market risk of financial products. In addition, we have
. Furthermore, the consumers’ household debt remained in high level, thus they must control their expense by spending money with save and paid for essential stuffs. 1.4. Performance versus Budget In previous year
financial ratios, and be essential to solving financial problems by reducing the Company's debt burdens, which shall cause working capital of the group of the Company to be in a better condition respectively
market and industrial conditions during the downturn of the economy. Furthermore, it is essential for the Company to utilize such cash flow for debt repayment which will help reduce the interest burden of
University, Phuket Campus which is set up to treat COVID-19 infected patients. This includes transport of medical supplies and essential goods which are much needed in fight against COVID-19. Airport Related