. 2568 พ.ศ. 2570 พ.ศ. 2568 พ.ศ. 2568 พ.ศ. 2569 US SEC’s rules on The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate- Related Disclosures for Investors (Climate-Related Disclosure Rule) European Sustainability
, respectively. In 4Q’18, the company’s gross margin almost unchanged yoy. For year 2018, gross margin was 31% higher than 30% of year 2017. The improvement in gross margin was contributed by more revenue portion
planning and the improvement in the quality of goods, as well as improving and controlling the internal operational efficiency of the Company. During the second quarter, the Company continued to pursue its
planning and the improvement in the quality of goods, as well as improving and controlling the internal operational efficiency of the Company. During the second quarter, the Company continued to pursue its
world trade volume. In addition, tourism sector and the agricultural sector expanded continually, as well as improvement in public consumption and private investment. While, public investment declined. As
overall sales performance for the third quarter has improved from the previous quarter, especially in greater Bangkok and the big cities. This is in line with the improvement in the Thai economy, which has
Act (amount of Baht 36 million). This year-on-year improvement was mainly attributable to higher sale from automotive parts, improved efficiency and increases of gross profit from tooling sales. Selling
the income adjustment as mentioned above. For 1H18, gross margin was 31% higher than 28% gross margin of 1H17. This margin improvement was contributed by the increase of social security payment rate and
%, respectively. The increase in sales stemmed from sales generated from new stores, while an improvement in the effectiveness of product assortment planning led to the continued expansion of the Company’s gross
while related cost was not proportionally decreased. For 9M’18, gross margin ratio was 31% higher than 30% of 9M’17. This margin improvement was contributed by more revenue contribution from non-social