next wave of growth in the Americas 2018 Corpus Christi (1/3 ownership in JV) Significant step forward in IVL value- creating strategy underpinning strong growth momentum Creates new and exciting
-2023 PET: 367 kta PTA: 433 kta Double digit ROCE 700-800 (till Dec’19: 381) Recycling projects PET recycling 2020-2023 ~600kta ROCE 12-14% 700-800 9 IVL Strategic Priorities Going Forward IVL remains
Quarter 2020 MD&A 8 IVL Strategic Priorities Going Forward IVL remains focused on its financial objective for 2023 - to achieve double-digit ROCE in each of its core businesses; top decile total shareholder
Working capital and inventory management IVL Strategic Priorities Going Forward IVL remains focused on its financial objective for 2023 - to achieve double-digit ROCE in each of its core businesses; top
K PLUS โดยสามารถดาวน์โหลดและสมคัรบริการ K-My Funds และ K PLUS ไดผ่้าน App Store (iOS) และ Play Store (Android) 4. K-Saving Plan (บริการลงทุนสม า่เสมอกองทุนรวมกสิกรไทย) ผูถื้อหน่วยลงทุนสามารถสัง่ซ้ือ
in Asia. Going forward, structural changes taking place in Asia should benefit the industry as a whole. Lack of new announcements in capacity expansions and continued growth in demand is a positive
and services, which is increased from the same period of the previous year in the amount of THB 11 million or equivalent to an increase of 0. 1 percent, because the growth of the same store sales of the
growth of the same store sales of the restaurants and bakery are increased at the rate of 0. 4 percent while the same store sales of the domestic bakery shops are decreased by 1. 9 percent as a result of
promotional campaign "Celebrate HomePro 22nd anniversary" was held in every HomePro store. The Company did not open any new store in the third quarter. However, the Company plans to open additional HomePro S
แยกตามประเภท ไตรมาส 1 ปี 2563 - ยอดขายในประเทศ Sabina Brand 483.3 ล้านบาท ลดลง -17.4 % เม่ือเทียบกบัไตรมาส 1 ปี 2562 ลดลง ตามท่ีห้างร้านถกูปิด - ยอดขาย Non store retailing 99.8 ล้านบาท เพิ่มขึน้ +9