platform in addition to the sales channels they presently use, while also helping them manage their stores via K PLUS Shop and accepting payment for goods and services with greater convenience via QR code
documentary/hot news 27 To carry on the business of providing contracting work, planning, marketing and publicizing for goods, stores, persons, organizations and government agencies to be well known and to
, meeting and seminar organization and production of documentary/hot news 27 To carry on the business of providing contracting work, planning, marketing and publicizing for goods, stores, persons
Annual Report 2004 S h a p i n g t h e T h ai C a p i t a l M a r k e t A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 0 4 S E C U R I T I E S A N D E X C H A N G E C O M M I S S I O N , T H A I L A N D This year’s annual report features Benjarong ceramics. Benjarong, meaning five colours, gained popularity in the royal court and the high society of Siam in the late Ayudhya period (A.D. 1350 - 1767). But it was during the early Rattanakosin period (A.D. 1782 - present), in the reigns of King Rama II and King Rama...
, stores, persons, organizations and government agencies to be well known and to procure well known persons, such as singers and actors to join the event for public relations purposes 28 To carry on a
organization and production of documentary/hot news 27 To carry on the business of providing contracting work, planning, marketing and publicizing for goods, stores, persons, organizations and government
A String of Earnings Increases, Future Earnings Uncertainty, and Firm Fundamentals* Sarayut Rueangsuwan † Kasetsart University, Thailand August 2015 Abstract Prior literature on meeting or beating earnings benchmarks extensively documents that market rewards firms reporting a string of consecutively earnings increases. To date, it is still unclear what an earnings string really means. This paper empirically provides rational explanations for this phenomenon by investigating whether the increment...
(transitional), or red. It is intended to be a simple one-dimensional tool for those countries that consider it sufficient to only have an overarching guiding framework from the point of view of their
customized page and update the topics of their preference anytime, news updates in the forms of daily e-news alerts and monthly e-newsletters, and RSS (Really Simple Syndication) which provides SEC news
1 (-Translation-) Ref. No. IRS.025/2019 October 31, 2019 Subject Acquisition of Shares in Hello Bangkok LED Co, Ltd., which is an Assets Acquisition Transaction of the Company, Issuance and Offering of the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of the Company through a Private Placement which is a Connected Transaction, Capital Reduction, Capital Increase, Entering into the Right to Sell Advertising Media Agreement which is a Connected Transaction, Appointment of the Independent Financial Advisor and Call...