the Audit Committee of GSC were of the opinion that the interest rate of 2% per annum was a better return than that of the liquidity management of the company in the past. In addition, the reason for
capital markets through better flow of information on ASEAN capital market products, including bonds, collective investment schemes, sukuk and securities listed in ASEAN. The current signatories comprise
on 23 May 2019. SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: “The signing of these bilateral MOUs is our proactive approach toward better efficiency of the enforcement procedure to prevent and
of the Provinces? project, ?SMEs Bond? project participants can join training courses on market knowledge and fundraising vehicles to get better equipped with bond issuance, and apply for credit rating
handled by qualified investor contacts to better investors? understanding on the products, providing that adequate number of such investor contacts is also critical. The SEC advice on the development is
organized AMG assessment program since 2006. Throughout these years, we witnessed continuous improvement as most companies earned better scores each year; and this year the average score was even higher at
from better disclosure of environmental, social and governance (ESG) information via 56-1 One Report, especially information related to greenhouse gas emission, such efforts are fundamental for
, which will serve as a mechanism to motivate the auditors and audit firms to provide better quality auditing service;(3) SEC to be empowered to set professional standards for audit firms and auditors in
not have other alternative source of funds that provides higher credit facility with lower cost as the said terms and conditions are even better than existing credit facility granted by AM. IFA views
employee?s choice program (a 39.7 % increase over year-end 2010). In addition, the SEC is revising provident fund regulations to better suit the needs of fund members and prevent them from exposing to