. The ratio of SG&A to revenue slightly decreased to 29.9% (prior year: 30.2%). EBITDA was bolstered in particular by the positive performance and climbed considerably to 43.9% YoY from THB 352mn to THB
according to accounting standard, and partly from narrowing of spread margin. Nevertheless, EBITDA in Q2/2018 still remained positive at THB 119 million. Comparing to the same period of last year which the
company is still positive to see an improving of metal spread comparing to Q4/18. 2. Business Outlook on Q4/2018 Own production Tolling Total Own production Tolling Total HRC Sales (k tons) 226 192 418 182
approach 2.1 Specification of a new type of securities under the SEA to ensure no regulatory gap • Securities, according to the SEA, are specified on a positive list and may not cover, in some cases
last year or 4.8 percent, mainly due to a positive growth of Baht 48 million from sales and service income or 4.4 percent as well as an increase of other income was recorded at Baht 5 million. Page 5 of
which affected employment and domestic demand*. However, the Company sees that the lower interest rate gives a positive impact to overall real estate industry due to a potential lower cost for both, real
showed an improvement and a positive sign in performance recovery. For the year 2020, the Company will continuously improve our operations in order to satisfy customer needs in both quality and excellent
visualization, leading to pent up demand. Overall, sales in May improved compared to April due to the resuming of business. - June: The Company had positive growth in same store sales resulting from the change in
assets and the adoption of TFRS 16 Net profit from operation was THB 51mn, an increase of 25.0% Cash flow for the quarter from operating activities remains positive at THB 65mn KEY BUSINESS AND
health volunteers across country. The foregoing reflects a positive international view of Thailand’s health system and if the COVID-19 situation remains under good management, Thailand will be one of the