securitiesconvertible to stock. In case of group report, disclose the changes in the holding of individuals, thegroup percentage of acquisition/disposition, the group percentage after theacquisition/disposition and the
: warrant or convertible debenture or other securitiesconvertible to stock. In case of group report, disclose the changes in the holding of individuals, thegroup percentage of acquisition/disposition, the
, disclose the changes in the holding of individuals, thegroup percentage of acquisition/disposition, the group percentage after theacquisition/disposition and the person(s) under Section 258 of the Securities
percentage of acquisition/disposition, the group percentage after theacquisition/disposition and the person(s) under Section 258 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E.2535 . Preliminary version: incomplete
10.11% in Q2/2017. Statement of financial position As of June 30, 2017, the company and subsidiary had total assets of THB 822.45 million. The percentage of long-term & short-term investment, land
decreased from 11.64% in Q2/2016. Statement of financial position As of June 30, 2017, the company and subsidiary had total assets of THB 822.45 million. The percentage of long-term & short-term investment
Financial Statement (percentage) 4.1 7.4 (3.3) Net Profit from Normal Operations 74.5 73.5 1.0 1.4 Profit Margin from the performance (percentage) 4.1 4.0 0.1 Performance for the 6 months period ending on
million baht for a percentage of 11.11 of the sales revenue. In 2016, the gross profit was 16.31 million baht or a percentage of 9.53 of sales revenue. When compared, the gross profit rate for 2017 was 1.58
Financial Statements 484 438 46 10.5 Net Profit Margin to Total Revenues (percentage) 6.1 5.5 1 0.5 Net Profit from Normal Performances 376 375 1 0.3 Net Profit Margin from Normal Performance to Total
THB % Net Profit pursuant to the Financial Statements 484 438 46 10.5 Net Profit Margin to Total Revenues (percentage) 6.1 5.5 1 0.5 Net Profit from Normal Performances 376 375 1 0.3 Net Profit Margin