% MB % MB % 1. Wellness and Anti-aging 128.58 40.58% 162.70 43.82% 34.12 26.54% 2. Aesthetic Innovation 96.00 30.30% 67.17 18.09% (28.83) (30.03%) 3. Companion Animal Health 80.78 25.50% 132.19 35.60
& development, and innovation According to NSTDA’s guideline, the Company reported research & development, and innovation expenses at Baht 1.12 million. Finance costs The Company’s finance costs presented at
the asset write-off of the waste management innovation account of Baht 53.49 million. Moreover, during this captioned year, there were an increase of the administrative expenses of 3 subsidiaries of
เทคประเทศไทย 1 แห่ง 4. ท่ีมา เพื่อเป็นกำรสนับสนุนกำรน ำ FinTech หรือ innovation ใหม่ ๆ มำใช้ในกำรให้บริกำร อันจะช่วยส่งเสริมกำรแข่งขันในอุตสำหกรรม ลดต้นทุนในกำรประกอบธุรกิจ ท ำให้ผู้ประกอบธุรกิจ เกิดกำร
Innovation 2.94 3.03 24.11 28.39 (21.17) (87.80%) 3. Companion Animal Healthcare 43.06 44.33 25.70 30.26 17.35 67.51% 4. Livestock 3.36 3.45 3.25 3.82 0.11 3.36% Total Sales Revenue 97.13 100.00 84.93 100.00
กองทนุเปิดไทยพาณิชย ์Fintech Innovation 1 1. บรษิทัจดัการ : ชือ่ : บรษัิท หลักทรัพยจ์ัดการกองทนุไทยพาณชิย ์จํากดั ทีอ่ยู ่(ภาษาไทย) : ชัน้ 7 – 8 อาคาร 1 ไทยพาณชิย ์ปารค์ พลาซา่ เลขที ่18 ถนนรัช
Stock Exchange of Thailand Reference is made to the fact that BCP Innovation Pte. Ltd. (“BCPI”), which is the subsidiary of Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited (“Company”), had signed an
of the Board of Directors on the entering into of the transaction The Board of Directors considers the transaction and opines that Gofive has separated its IT and innovation business from the printing
the Board of Directors on the entering into of the transaction The Board of Directors considers the transaction and opines that Gofive has separated its IT and innovation business from the printing
innovation to enhance developmental efficiency, supervision and investor protection appropriately in all aspects. Regarding digital assets , SEC must closely monitor and supervise digital asset https