region with most production was Asia (including China, but not including the Middle East) 1,341.6 MT, an increase by 5.7%, The second most producing region was the European Union (EU), with 159.4 MT
commercial operation date is scheduled in the third quarter of 2021. - The extension of the petroleum pipeline system to the northeastern region project (The project) is a project of Thai Pipeline Network
on 29 November 2019 between the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand on strengthening economic
same time, the Company increased the number of service stations with B20 Diesel available to cover every region, which was responded positively by customers. The Company also sells B10 Diesel in tandem
ทำงกำรเงิน 2.2. เงินสดรับจำกธุรกิจบริหำรจัดกำรสินทรัพย์ด้อยคุณภำพ (NPLs) และทรัพย์สินรอกำรขำย (NPAs) 2.3. กำรวิเครำะห์คุณภำพและผลตอบแทนของเงินให้สินเชื่อจำกกำรซื้อลูกหนี้และทรัพย์สินรอกำรขำย (Vintage
Figures Figure 1. Taxonomy development around the world ................................................................... 3 Figure 2. Total green bonds issuance by region
, practitioners and experts on corporate governance in the region, as well as from OECD countries and relevant international institutions. Participants exchange experiences and push forward the reform agenda on
expanding investment in overseas, which led to high competition in this region. Additionally, peers extended the investment to energy related business as well as new business for business diversification and
hub, and to support the development of regional supply chains. The tensions created by the trade war between the US and China have led some supply chains to be shifted out of China to the ASEAN region
, leading to higher supplies in the region. Gasoil/Dubai crack spread (GO/DB) in Q2/2017 was averaged at 11.34 USD/BBL, increased by 0.81 USD/BBL, compared to Q2/2016, with respect to a rise in demand from