Venture. Consequently, on January 2018, the Court has ordered Saraburi to go bankrupt. On May 8, 2017, the Company issued a letter notifying the termination of Saraburi’s responsibilities in the joint
that materially affected the issuer’s income from operations, including unusual or infrequent events or new developments and the extent to which income was affected by these factors. Significant factors
FINANCIAL REVIEW AND PROSPECTS A. Operating Results Disclose significant factors that materially affected the issuer’s income from operations, including unusual or infrequent events or new developments and
ในส่วน งานฮารด์ไลนแ์ละสว่นงานฟูด้ อาทิ ไทวสัด ุ2 สาขา ในประเทศไทย GO! mall 1 สาขา และบิก๊ซีเวียดนาม 1 สาขา เป็นตน้ โดยบรษัิทฯ ได ้ มีมาตรการลดคา่ใชจ้า่ยอยา่งเขม้งวดในทกุสว่นงาน บริษัท เซ็นทรัล รีเทล
from late 2018; particularly, the Gasoline-Dubai crack spread (UNL/DB), Jet (Kerosene)-Dubai crack spread (IK/DB), and the Gasoil-Dubai crack spread (GO/DB), causing the refinery business’s market gross
เวียดนามหรือ go! เพ่ือใหบ้รกิารลกูคา้ในตา่งจงัหวดั นอกจากนี ้บรษัิทฯ ไดเ้ปิดตวัรา้นคา้แนวคิดใหม่ๆ เช่น Healthiful, LOOKS, Petster, at Taste for Tops supermarket ในประเทศไทย - ธุรกิจ Omnichannel : บริษัทฯ มี
Limited, Mr. Viroj Tangjettanaporn, Mr. V-Nee Yeh, Mr. Kin Chan, Ms. Angie Yick Yee Li, ASM, ASHM, Go Excel Investments Limited, WTN Limited and Salas Street Limited, including their close relatives and
1 August 17, 2018 Subject: Capital Increase for Offering for Sale to Specific Investors (Private Placement), Connected Transaction, Amendments to Articles of Association/Objectives of the Company and Determination of the Date of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2018 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosures: 1. Information Memorandum on the Offering of Newly Issued Ordinary Shares to Specific Investors (Private Placement) at the Offering Price with a Discount of...
Likelihood Rare (1), unlikely (2), possible (3), likely (4), very likely (5) Magnitude of impact Insignificant (1), minor (2), moderate (3), major (4), significant (5) Adaptability Very low (1), low (2
2018 Page 17/21 Overview of the Stock Exchange of Thailand In line with global equities, Thai stocks saw another year of unusual volatility in 2018 of which investor confidence was affected considerably