company shares and are one of the factors in the selection of securities for SET50, SET100 and SETHD. Yet, given that these important criteria were last revised in 2008, SEC views that it is appropriate for
to accommodate issuance of appropriate supervisory guidelines. In addition, SEC will officially launch the One-Stop-Service Center on 1 September 2020 to give more convenience for securities and
guidelines would not impose excessive burdens on audit firms and auditors and would specify penalty alternatives that focus on appropriate proportionality of punishment to offense. The consultation paper
under appropriate oversight and to maintain confidence of investors who use the services. The consultant paper is available at
funds and mutual funds which could contribute to appropriate unit price setting and market-driven offering. Aiming to promote establishment of property funds and retail investors? benefits, the draft
appropriate audit evidence on the matters. The SEC therefore instructed PRO to rectify the financial statements, cooperate and satisfy the auditor of supporting information and documents, and then submit to the
for different risk levels and thus functions as a guideline for the business operators to give investors even more appropriate investment advices. At this juncture, the SEC wishes to invite all business
appropriate investor protection measures in place according to the investor types, the SEC is proposing to amend relevant regulations to provide an alternative channel for Rehabilitation Listed Company that
other laws outside the SEC’s jurisdiction, the SEC will coordinate with relevant authorities to take an appropriate action.The SEC urges the public and investors to exercise caution when using services of
complete information to financial advisers, financial advisers should provide appropriate advice in accordance with the specified rules and regulations. On our parts, we, the SEC and the SET, have already