ongoing developments that have since achieved broadening recognition, such as integrated reporting and complementary sustainability disclosure initiatives. ICGN is pleased to see widely accepted recognition
and GLOW. Accordingly, on this same day, the company and Engie Global Developments B.V. have entered into the agreement for amendment to the Share Purchase Agreement on June 20th, 2018, by including the
shares of the Business Percentage compared with the total voting rights in the Business 1. Engie Holding (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 792,279,773 54.16 54.16 2. Engie Global Developments B.V. 218,696,260 14.95
ทั้งทางตรงและทางออ้มในบริษทั โกลว์ พลงังาน จ ากดั (มหาชน) (“GLOW”) จาก ENGIE Global Developments B.V. ซ่ึงเป็นผูถื้อหุ้นรายใหญ่ของ GLOW ในสดัส่วนร้อยละ 69.11 โดยการช าระค่าหุ้นในราคาหุ้นละ 91.9906 บาท
views about developments in the US-China trade negotiations. Nonetheless, the protracted Brexit risk, and the Federal Reserve’s unanimous decision to hold the policy rate at 2.25-2.50 percent while
who have long-term debt obligations. We are therefore closely monitoring and analyzing related developments. Subject to our regular reviews and improvements in liquidity risk management processes at
and GLOW. Accordingly, on this same day, the company and Engie Global Developments B.V. have entered into the agreement for amendment to the Share Purchase Agreement on June 20th, 2018, by including the
Developments Funds 2 0 0 (77%) (3%) 9 5 (45%) Total revenue from electricity sales 4,258 3,850 3,283 (23%) (15%) 11,340 11,508 1% Revenue from finance lease agreement 198 207 203 3% (2%) 636 628 (1%) Other
cost by 10 percent within this year, etc. 1.2 Material changes and developments Give a brief account on the material changes and developments regarding changes in control and the nature of business
Financial Institutions (AAFI). Review interim targets every five years (or sooner if there are material updates or developments in data, methodology, business model or if targets are met sooner than