measurement of its investment in Pace Project One Co., Ltd. (Pace One) and Pace Project Three Co., Ltd. (Pace Three). The deadline is extended to 15 January 2018.Earlier, the SEC instructed PACE to clarify the
invest in products denominated in foreign currencies, which will enable Thai investors to have channels and options in making an investment based on their investment strategies in a more efficient manner
Following an inspection report from Bank of Ayudhya, a limited broker dealer and underwriter (LBDU) licensee, and SEC’s further investigation, it was found that Vanatsavadee, securities investment
future application for approval as personnel in capital market business shall not be accepted for five years. In any case, since Krungthai Zmico has already suspended her from the role of investment
According to investors’ tips and SEC’s investigation, there are public solicitations for investment in investment units via online media channels such as company website, Facebook and Line
Bangkok, 9 February 2018 ? The SEC has revoked the approval for a securities investment consultant by the name of Mr. Sakkarin Uttakrit for 10 years on account of committing undue acts toward clients
characteristic of capital market business personnel. SEC has therefore revoked his approval as investment consultant for plain instruments** and prohibited him from performing duties as capital market business
Bangkok, 25 February 2019 ? The SEC is seeking public comments on the proposed rules for intermediaries to provide assisting tools to asset allocation and investment planning. This would allow
Bangkok, 28 February 2019 ? The SEC has updated the list of cryptocurrencies eligible for initial coin offering (ICO) investment or value comparison as base trading pair against other digital assets
on investment advisor via crowdsourcing which are required to be granted SEC licenses. Investment advice must be made to general, not specific, investors and must be independent advice without