the concert. (2) Managing of the concert; for instance, the rental fee of the location where the concert will be held, the expense of the musical instrument including color and light systems regarding
, a 100% recyclable, low cost and light weight material is growing at a strong 5% CAGR as demand for safe drinking water continues to rise unabated and PET is by far the most preferred material for this
โรงภำษีร้อยชกัสำม ขณะนีอ้ยูใ่นระหวำ่งกำรท ำวิจยัและออกแบบ ในระยะยำว บริษัทฯ มีควำมเช่ือมัน่วำ่จะสำมำรถเพ่ิมมลูค่ำของสินทรัพย์โดย (i) กำรขยำยธุรกิจโรงแรมด้วยกลยทุธ์ Asset -Light โดยกำรรับ บริหำรและ
asset light and lease model. In 1H19, the Company opened 5 new hotels: - Dusit Thani Mactan Cebu in the Philippines - DusitD2 Davao in the Philippines - Dusit Doha Hotel in Qatar - Dusit Suites
asset light and lease model. In 1H19, the Company opened 5 new hotels: - Dusit Thani Mactan Cebu in the Philippines - DusitD2 Davao in the Philippines - Dusit Doha Hotel in Qatar - Dusit Suites
โรงแรมด้วยกลยุทธ์ asset-light โดยกำรรับ บริหำรและสญัญำเช่ำด ำเนินงำนในโรงแรมที่ตัง้อยู่ในท ำเลที่มีศกัยภำพ ( ii) กำรเพิ่มรำยได้ค่ำเช่ำและกำรบริหำรงำนอย่ำงมีประสิทธิภำพ (iii) กำรพฒันำอสงัหำริมทรัพย์ที่มี
. These include statements with respect to our corporate plans, strategies, and beliefs. The statements are based on our management’s assumptions and beliefs in light of the information currently available
and be complied with in light of their specific circumstances. 38. The SEC may issue other circulars, frequently asked questions and other documents from time to time to provide practical guidance to
or guidance as to how the relevant requirements may apply and be complied with in light of their specific circumstances. 38. The SFC may issue other circulars, frequently asked questions and other
stakeholders, as well as joining a seminar in Thailand Corporate Sustainability Symposium arranged by C ASEAN, and Green Bonds Introduction: Green Bonds for Green Buildings and other promising sectors arranged