SEC Classification : ใชภ้ายใน (Internal) คูม่อืส ำหรบัประชำชน : กำรเสนอขำยหลกัทรพัยท์ ีอ่อกใหมพ่รอ้มกบักำรท ำค ำเสนอซือ้ หลกัทรพัยเ์ดมิของบรษิทัจดทะเบยีนเพือ่ปรบัโครงสรำ้งกำรถอืหุน้และกำรจดักำร หนว่
management, operational management and internal control system which at least shall contain: (a) the policy and measure in writing; (b) the determination and amendment of such policy and measure each time has
management, operational management and internal control system which at least shall contain: (a) the policy and measure in writing; (b) the determination and amendment of such policy and measure each time has
of information which should not be disclosed between units and personnel (Chinese wall), a system for internal audit and internal control. Such policies, rules and practices shall be prepared in
conflicts of interest and leaking of information which should not be disclosed between units and personnel (Chinese wall), a system for internal audit and internal control. Such policies, rules and practices
and operational management, a system to prevent conflicts of interest and leaking of information which should not be disclosed between units and personnel (Chinese wall), a system for internal audit and
internal operation, furthermore, there were a lot of debts. So the Meeting had finally approved the Transaction to Mrs. Pakporn Lohavibulkij together with the condition of taking the public-road servitude
business unit which were shown above, didn’t eliminate related transaction. The products of cosmetic has an internal restructuring to focus on skin care products due to the customer base that will grow in
effective risk management and internal control Principle 7: Ensure disclosure and financial integrity Principle 8: Ensure engagement and communication with shareholders 3.2 Implementation of the Corporate
internal control environment. · Whether the client is aggressively concerned with maintaining the firm’s fees as low as possible. · Indications of an inappropriate limitation in the scope of work