the mandatory[M] completely, it shall be deem that the company had complied with this Notification. Providing that if the company had already complied with the accredit [A], it shall render the company
of subsidiary company does not have the solid plan shift to the international market, providing to the independent valuer and auditors, this transaction is fully provided. Loss from allowance of
2.1 รายไดจากการใหบริการบริหารจัดการศูนยลูกคาสัมพันธแบบเต็มรูปแบบ (Fully Outsourced Contact Center Management Service) สําหรับป 2562 มีจํานวน 527.5 ลานบาท เพิ่มขึ้น 28.1 ลานบาท หรือคิดเปนรอยละ
purchase of accounts receivable was 77.2 percent of the total income. The Profit from loans receivable from purchase of accounts receivable which was the revenues from fully amortized bad debt portfolios
1.2 (96.8%) 2. Revenue from services 210.4 239.8 204.1 (14.9%) (3.0%) 411.8 443.8 7.8% 2.1 Fully Outsourced Contact Center Management Service 160.7 163.9 145.1 (11.5%) (9.7%) 314.3 309.0 (1.7%) 2.2
(i.e. annual report, AGM arrangement), etc. 4. Finance cost For 2Q17, finance cost was decreased to Baht 0.03 million, decreased by 99.33% YoY as a result of fully repayment of all bank loan in late 2016
all new branches fully recognized the revenues. Other revenues decreased by Baht 1.42 million or equivalent to 17.03% due to decreasing of revenues from construction penalty of Lampang, Nakorn Sri
99.34% YoY as a result of fully repayment of all bank loan in late 2016. 5. Net profit and net profit margin The 3Q17 net profit was Baht 17.39 million, representing the net profit margins of 6.55% and
began to recognize revenue in Mid-January but in Q1/1 8 the group has fully recognized revenue for the whole month of January. Trading Business Trading business; the new business of the group began to
วงหนาไวตลอดเวลาที่ไดลงทุนหรือมีไวซ่ึงสัญญานั้น (fully covered) - กรณีลงทุนในตลาดสินคาเกษตรลวงหนาแหงประเทศไทย (AFET) จะอนุญาตให ลงทุนรายสินคาได เชน ขาว ยางพารา มันสําปะหลัง เปนตน ทั้งนี้