: ▪ Of its signatories ▪ Of the financial markets and economies in which they operate ▪ And ultimately of the environment and society as a whole Investor-led, supported by the United Nations The six
ดูแล (ESG) (COSO-ERM 2017: Guideline for Applying Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) - related Risks) สภาวิชาชีพบัญชี ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์ โดยได้รับการสนับสนุนจาก
direction of SEC Strategic Plan. They bring into the picture both challenges and opportunities. Food shortage, energy and environment problems, aging society, and trends toward economic integration and market
direction of SEC Strategic Plan. They bring into the picture both challenges and opportunities. Food shortage, energy and environment problems, aging society, and trends toward economic integration and market
environment The Thai economy for the year 2019 exhibited a decelerating trend. Private consumption slowed down in almost all categories especially in durable goods from the contractions in vehicle sales partly
infrastructure investment and a slowdown in private investment. Thai Banking Industry The commercial banking sector in Thailand continued to face some uncertainties in the business environment and ongoing changes
the “FTSE4Good Index Series” announced by FTSE Russell which designed to identify companies that demonstrate strong environment, social and governance practices measured against globally recognized
Environment 2Q24 global economy continued to face challenges from prolonged monetary policy tightening amid geopolitical tensions. In Thailand, positive economic sentiment was driven by ongoing improvement in
Environment 2Q24 global economy continued to face challenges from prolonged monetary policy tightening amid geopolitical tensions. In Thailand, positive economic sentiment was driven by ongoing improvement in
Changing business strategy and behaviours The role of investors in the society has been shifted from just profit seekers. They are increasingly interested in minimizing the effect on the environment and