increases in workload in the future >> Increase in depreciation from the purchase of new servers, computers and programs for new employees >> Re-classification of office and equipment rental expenses and
reporting standards In the first quarter of 2020 ended May 31, 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries started to adopt the new Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS 9), which effects the classification and
/2564 หุ้นสามัญของ บริษัท โนวา ออร์แกนิค จำกัด (มหาชน) SET 24/12/2564 6 NV CONSUMP สินค้าอุปโภคบริโภค 6.90 150,000,000 1,035.00 แคปปิตอล วัน พาร์ทเนอร์ จำกัด &1#&"Tahoma"&12&KC0C0C0SEC Classification
&1#&"Tahoma"&12&KC0C0C0 SEC Classification : ใช้ภายใน (Internal)
demand the management company to pay benefits and capital reimbursement at an amount not exceeding the equity of the mutual fund held. In case of classification of the investment units, the unitholders
households benefitting from top Energy Performance Classification rating (e.g. A and B) and/or environmental certification with minimum thresholds (e.g. LEED Gold and above or BREAM Very Good and above
of foreclosed assets. Current outstanding loans totaled Baht 1,128 million. Assets under SAM were subjected to change in classification from TFRS 9 for financial assets classified as Purchased or
outstanding loans totaled Baht 1,249 million increased when comparing to Baht 509 million from the end of 2019 due to the change in classification from TFRS 9 for financial assets classified as Purchased or
ธนาคารพาณิชยไ์ดใ้นระหวา่งด าเนินการใกลเ้คียงกบั หุน้สามญั (absorb losses on a going-concern basis) หรือเม่ือธนาคารพาณิชยมี์ผลการด าเนินงาน ท่ีไม่สามารถด าเนินกิจการต่อไปได ้(gone-concern basis) จึงก า
sustainability of companies is of greatest concern to institutional investors and their beneficiaries. 3.2 ESG factors Before the concept and practice of integrated reporting began to gain global prominence