follow: The Consolidated Financial Statement for the 3rd quarter of 2018, the main income is from advertising commission and service fee in an amount of THB 172.35 million, a decrease of THB 21.55 million
of 2018 decreased by 23% compared to the same period of 2017. The main reasons is from economic slowdown which affected advertising revenue decreased by 27% and circulation revenues of newspaper
-month period of 2018 decreased by 19% compared to the same period of 2017. The main reasons is from economic slowdown which affected advertising revenue decreased by 19% and circulation revenues of
e-service Online Submission See canceled document Securities Borrowing and Lending >> Advertising (section 98(10)) Type Title Section See Document Status Notified Date Effective Date 1. Act
e-service Online Submission See canceled document Bond Dealer and Underwriter >> Advertising (section 98(10)) Type Title Section See Document Status Notified Date Effective Date 1. Act Securities
revenue from tourism both domestic and abroad of indirect subsidiary increased. Revenue from organizing events increased by 79%. Whereas, advertising and airtime revenue from digital TV business decreased
results in the first quarter of 2020 as mentioned above, is mainly from the impact of the COVID-19 situation which refrain the advertising and public relations activities. Product launch activities
segments: 1. Digital content via telecommunication channels 2. Information technology solutions for electronic devices 3. Online advertising for products and services. The details of Services income and Cost
. Online advertising. The details of Services income and Cost of rendering of services are as follows: Services income and Cost of rendering of services Unit: THB Million 1Q2022 1Q2023 Inc./(Dec.) % Inc
. Online advertising. The details of Services income and Cost of rendering of services are as follows: Services income and Cost of rendering of services Unit: THB Million 2022 2023 Inc.(Dec.) % Inc.(Dec