AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs AQIs EY 2563 - 2564 AQIs 1. * EY 2563 Big 4 (partner)2 28 1,113 1.91% - 5.64% 1.57% - 7.20% EQCR) 11 187.5 0.16% - 2.2% 0.32% - 2.5% 72.5 7,520.7 9.44% - 24.6% 3.89% - 21.36
line with our incremental rates. We adjusted employee salary to remain competitive in the labour market. We hired more staff to be prepared for new big projects in the first quarter of Y.2020 and for the
accepted accounting principles. The company did not arrange the assessment of value and quantity of small-sized gas cylinders and record allowances for impairment in accordance with generally accepted
with higher risk. Lastly, the government’s policy aimed to promote and support small and medium enterprises (SMEs)’ growth and facilitate their access to sources of fund in the capital market. Given such
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revenue for HR Solutions. HR Solution suffered a dip of 3.72mb or -11.6% due to the recognition of a one-off license fee for a big project in Q1 2018. Financial Solutions registered a marginal increase in
revenue for HR Solutions. HR Solution suffered a dip of 5.84mb or -17.0% due to the recognition of a one-off license fee for a big project in Q1 2018. Financial Solutions registered a marginal increase in
to settle with increasing orders from customers. Customers in Vietnam are mostly in the automotive industry, but revenue from HV is still a small proportion compared to the revenues from the Company
HV is still a small proportion compared to the revenues from the Company and HP. Since the latter part of 2018, the HDD industry was impacted by the global economy as well as the pressure from the US
held by the Company to Big C Retail Holding Company Limited (“Big C Retail”) at THB 180.00 per share, which is the agreed price between the Company and Big C Retail, and is also higher than the 30-day