Baht 24,163 million. The Dividend payment The Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 2/2019, held on February 21, 2019, agreed to propose to the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on April 23, 2019 to
index that has value follwing the market capitalization and has the high and continuous yielding dividend 3 years ago. Results of the Quality Assessment of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Thai
% from the previous forecast of 4.1%. The Bank of Thailand also maintained the policy interest rate at 1.50% during the Monetary Policy Committee meeting in June. The performance of Central Pattana Public
policies. As a result, part of returns on investment was spent on corporate social responsibility activities. Quality Assessment of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Thai Investors Association has
Financial Group Public Company Limited Management Discussion and Analysis for the First Quarter Ended 31 March 2021 Page 3/19 Result of the Quality Assessment of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders The
approved Ua Withya Public Company Limited (“UWC”) as considered as subsidiary of CEN on disposition of investment in biomass power plants business in totaling of 3 and proposed to Extraordinary Meeting of
สง่เสรมิในเรือ่งของควำมสมัพันธห์รอืเศรษฐกจิ IOSCO Annual Meeting แกเ้กณฑจ์ านวนผูส้อบบญัชี ทบทวนใบอนุญาตโครงสรา้งธรุกจิหลกัทรพัย/์แนวทางรองรบัการน า tech มาใชใ้นการใหบ้รกิาร สง่เสรมิกรอบความ รว่มมอื
shareholders to propose a candidate for directorship, and issues for inclusion in the meeting agenda at the 2018 General Meeting of Shareholders - Conducting sessions within K Companies and P Companies to ensure
resolved to keep the key policy rate unchanged at 1.50 percent, but the vote to maintain the rate was 5 to 2, compared to 6 to 1 in the previous meeting. As a result, some private operators expedited bond
* G. Consequences of a failure to make payments * H. Representative of debt securities holders ม.70 (4) ผูแทนผูถือหุนกู (ถามี) I. Meeting of debt securities holders * J. Modification of Terms * K