which is different from the opinion of the Board under Clause 10 All directors of the Company shared the same opinions which are in line with the Board of Directors’ resolution above (unanimity) and no
appropriate method to consider NEXT’s corporate value. The financial advisor assumed that NEXT will continuously operate its existing business without any significant change, under the same economic conditions
appropriate method to consider NEXT’s corporate value. The financial advisor assumed that NEXT will continuously operate its existing business without any significant change, under the same economic conditions
รณำจำก แนวค ำพิพำกษำเก่ียวกบัสถำนะของนิติบุคคลโดยทัว่ไปซ่ึงหำกน ำมำปรับใชก้บักรณีน้ีจะสำมำรถยดึถือเป็น หลกัไดว้ำ่ส ำนกังำนสำขำและส ำนกังำนใหญ่ยอ่มถือเป็นนิติบุคคลเดียวกนั (same legal entity) (2) บทบญัญ
normally be the same as the ownership percentage. Where this is not the case, the economic substance of the relationship the company has with the operation always overrides the legal ownership form to ensure
กกำรเชำ่และบรกิำรของศนูยก์ำรคำ้เดมิ (same store rental revenue growth) เตบิโตรอ้ยละ 3.1 จำกชว่งเดยีวกันของปีก่อน โดยไม่นับรวม 1.) ศูนยก์ำรคำ้ใหม่ทีเ่ปิด ด ำเนินกำรในปี 2560 ไดแ้ก่ เซ็นทรัลพลำซำ นครรำชสมีำ
ordinary shares pro rata to their shareholdings and at the same offering price. The Company will allocate the remaining newly issued ordinary shares until there is no newly issued ordinary share remaining or
oversubscribe for the newly issued ordinary shares pro rata to their shareholdings and at the same offering price. The Company will allocate the remaining newly issued ordinary shares until there is no newly
shareholders who wish to oversubscribe for the newly issued ordinary shares pro rata to their shareholdings and at the same offering price. The Company will allocate the remaining newly issued ordinary shares
1 ( Translation ) Ref. NEP146-2017 October 25, 2017 Subject : Resolutions of the Board of Directors approving the capital decrease, the capital increase, the allotment of newly issued ordinary shares to investors in private placement, the acquisition of assets and convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders No. 1/2018 (Revise) To : President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand Attachment : 1. Capital Increase Report Form (F 53-4) 2. Information Memorandum in relation to the allot...