guideline for risk assessment according to the degree of importance of the outsourced function; (6) information security system of a service provider for protecting the information of the intermediary and the
assessment according to the degree of importance of the outsourced function; (6) information security system of a service provider for protecting the information of the intermediary and the clients; 5 Clause 9
considering the level of provisions taking into account the prolonged uncertainties from the COVID-19 and recorded total expected credit loss amount for 1Q21 at Baht 1,234 million. The Bank placed importance on
is committed to driving long-term growth while delivering return to shareholders. We place importance in maintaining strong financial health and flexibility to pursue future growth . Our dividend
expect around Bt7bn investment in fixed broadband. Dividend policy at minimum 70% of net profit AIS is committed to driving long -term growth while delivering return to shareholders . We place importance
assessment according to the degree of importance of the outsourced function; (6) information security system of a service provider for protecting the information of the intermediary and the clients; 5 Clause 9
Nomination Best Practices by the Thai IOD was introduced as a means to accommodate increasing importance of the director nomination process. The Thai IOD is aware that best practices are evolving through time
โดยสมบูรณ์ European Parliament acknowledged the importance of businesses divulging information on sustainability such as social and environmental factors, with a view to identifying sustainability risks
closely monitoring the situation and assessing possible impacts, placing importance on efficient risk management under the supervision of the Risk Oversight Committee, 8 Market Risk Management Sub-committee
serves the decision-making needs of users Completeness Relevance Transparency Consistency Account for and report on all GHG emission sources and activities within the chosen inventory boundary. Use