million baht from previous year which consistent with an increase of sale. 2.3. Administrative expense for 2018 was in the amount of 37.95 million baht, increased by 2.56 million baht or increased 7.25
investment in associated company to investment in available-for-sale securities, which consistent with the investment proportion and the purpose of the Company investment. The Company recorded gain on fair
consistent with an increases in number of employee in order to support the growth of the business, (2) Rise of others expense of THB 9.83 million or 32.98%. The Company had started to export the program rights
to obtain a customer contract shall be recorded as an asset and amortized to expenses on a basis that is consistent with the pattern of revenue recognition. Under the previous accounting policy, the
a net profit 118.3 million Baht, or an increase 163.2%, compared to the same period last year and an increase 186.4% compared to the previous quarter, which was consistent with the direction of the
a net profit 118.3 million Baht, or an increase 163.2%, compared to the same period last year and an increase 186.4% compared to the previous quarter, which was consistent with the direction of the
) Rise of the employee and executive expenses of THB 9.23 million or 28.07% which consistent with an increases in number of employee in order to support the growth of the business, and (2) Rise of loss on
Company” ) still has carried on offering new products continuously. The Company also organized the marketing activities to educate the water quality, which is consistent with the business model of the
Directors Meeting no. 6/2019 held on July 5, 2019, which the Audit Committee considered the matter and has a consistent opinion with the Board of Directors as mentioned in clause 9 above. Therefore, the
employee and executive expenses of THB 20.65 million or 47.60% which consistent with an increases in number of employee in order to support the growth of the business, and (2) Rise of loss on exchange rate