still foresee the trend to continue in the rest of the year. In 9M/2019, gross profits were THB 4,193 million, up by THB 859 million or 25.8%, representing a gross profit margin of 38.2% increased from
from overseas. The Company expects that the trend hot rolled steel import decreased and to have confidence in domestic market which will have a direction to improve in the future. In addition, the
และให้ความสาํคญักบัการอนุรักษส่ิ์งแวดลอ้มมาก ข้ึนนบัเป็นอีกหน่ึงปัจจยัท่ีแสดงใหเ้ห็นถึง Green Energy Trend ใน US ใน 4 ปี ขา้งหนา้ 2) ประเทศหลายๆประเทศในโลกเร่ิมออกมาประกาศวา่จะทาํใหป้ระเทศของตนเป็น
countries declared free of COVID- 19 while global economy might experience a prolong of stagflation after the initial fall and eventually return to trend growth. With such point of view, the Company needs to
power and increased price competitiveness. For the business outlook for Q3/2020, the trend of the Thai economy is expected to contract compared to the same period of 2019 from the COVID-19 pandemic
the total number of branches. Since 3 May 2020 onwards. By starting to gradually open since the government has implemented measures to ease the lock down. Which is expected to have a better trend in
juice, and fresh tamarind juice. The products are introduced to serve the growing health-conscious trend during COVID-19 outbreak, especially strengthening immunity system, which is currently among the
broadband and enterprise revenue. • Mobile revenue was Bt29,204mn, flat YoY and QoQ from soft consumer spending offset by our movement to retain market share and build-up 5G perception. The trend of customers
gradually ease the strict measures. In addition, the prolonged epidemic situation has resulted in people beginning to adjust their lifestyle to live safely in the new normal. • This trend is in line with the
epidemic is starting to have a better signal both domestically and abroad, mainly due to the increase in the number of vaccinated people as well as the decreasing trend of infection. As a result, the Thai