competitive landscape remains challenging. We saw particular weakness in the steel sector as uncertainty led to reduced production and after a record sugar season in 2018 this sector has been behind our
economics’ slowdown is expected to continue in 2Q19 since the negative impacts remain unsolved. The global economic is expected to be pressured from an uncertainty of the USA-China Trade War. New government
, decreasing by Baht 14.98 million, mainly from unrealized loss from investment in listed securities due to the highly volatile market this quarter which resulted from the uncertainty of COVID-19 outbreak and
assets prices can cause uncertainty for users and recipients. While some digital asset business operators may offer to convert the digital assets into Thai Baht for the receiving merchant, price
% and 67% of RTO firms in Singapore and Thailand use mixed mode payment involving combination of share swap with cash/warrants is indicative of incoming firm’s concern of valuation uncertainty and
(Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity: VUCA) รวมทั้งการเปลี่ยนแปลงอย่าง รวดเร็วของเทคโนโลยีและนวัตกรรม คณะกรรมการบริษัทจดทะเบียนจึงมีบทบาทสำคัญในการสร้างความ เข้มแข็งและภูมิคุ้มกันซึ่งจะนำให้บริษัท
August 2022 Bioenergy Criteria under the Climate Bonds Standard Aug 2022 Revision Date Summary of changes 1.3 1 August 2022 Clarification that Bioenergy ‘Storage’ is within scope as supporting
. Furthermore, the scope of the law was broadened, such as, placing offences against tippees acting on insider information and toughening penalties for those committing unfair practices. Apart from laws and
ผล้่ตุ ตุารางท่ี่ A1 ตัุวอย่างการจัำาแนกแหล่่งปล่่อยก๊าซเรือนกระจักข้องอุตุสาหกรรมอาหาร Scope กิิจกิรรมที่่เป็็นัแหล่่งป็ล่่อยกิ๊าซเรือนักิระจกิ 1 ก๊๊าซธรรมชาติิ (co-generator / boiler) ถ่่านหิิน (co
within the scope of laws. Furthermore, the acquisition of the ordinary shares in S-TREK is equivalent to 51 percent of the total shares sold of S-TREK. It is hence deemed that the Company has acquired the