such products or services to clients; (c) providing an instrument or media for personnel under (a) to clarify characteristics and risks of capital market products or services to clients, as deemed
such products or services to clients; (c) providing an instrument or media for personnel under (a) to clarify characteristics and risks of capital market products or services to clients, as deemed
such products or services to clients; (c) providing an instrument or media for personnel under (a) to clarify characteristics and risks of capital market products or services to clients, as deemed
considering the detailed information of the REIT, including the appropriateness for the investment and relevant risks. The effectiveness of this Registration Statement does not mean, in any way, that the
efficient management of risks, in line with the good corporate governance principles. Provisions in the Notification No. Sor Thor. 37/2559 Clause 5 An intermediary shall establish a documented policy on the
responsibility as REIT manager, and [iii] shall not make applicant’s financial safety insecure, unless the applicant can provide systems to prevent the conflicts of interest and control risks sufficiently and
and efficient management of risks, in line with the good corporate governance principles. Provisions in the Notification No. Sor Thor. 37/2559 Clause 5 An intermediary shall establish a documented
asset alignment targets aligned with domestic policy goals or NDCs and in consi- deration of portfolio climate risks and opportunities. Set portfolio emissions reduction and/or asset alignment targets
managing potential risks from service provision; (c) having a work procedure and an internal control system with details covering the operation as specified in Clause 4. In this regard, the applicant for a
potential risks from service provision; (c) having a work procedure and an internal control system with details covering the operation as specified in Clause 4. In this regard, the applicant for a license