also decreased by Baht 4.78 million in current year. 1.1 Revenue For the year ended 31st March 2019, the Company and its subsidiaries had revenue from sales and service of Baht 3,293.90 million compared
due to last year the subsidiary company had loans with financial institution in the amount of Baht 10 million with fixed interest rate at 4.75 percent per year and brought forward to increase in current
Profit(Loss) attributable to equity holders of the company -31.46 -20.44 -11.02 -53.88 Financial Position as at June 30 , 2018 and December 31, 2017 (Unit : Million Baht) 2018 2017 Inc./(Dec.) % Current
จ านวนที่ปรึกษาที่เข้าร่วมประชุม เนื่องจากหน่วยงานก ากับดูแลผู้สอบบัญชี ต่างประเทศมีข้อก าหนดแต่เพียงว่า องค์ประกอบของคณะที่ปรึกษาฯ ต้องมีสัดส่วนของ non-practitioner มากกว่า current practitioner
, the Company has been careful and selective during the current economic situation and can maintain 1.3% NPL ratio. As at the end of 3Q2020, the total number of “Boonterm Kiosk” was 130,065 kiosks. The
) % Cash and cash equivalent 157.1 190.2 (33.1) (17.4) Inventories 1,675.8 745.9 929.9 124.7 Advance payment for products and services 82.7 156.4 (73.7) (47.1) Other Current Assets 239.5 150.8 88.7 58.8
% Asset from reinsurance 0 0.0% 120.8 1.4% 120.8 100.0% Current portion of loans receivable from purchase 498.7 9.5% 470.8 5.6% -27.9 -5.6% Other Current Assets 159.2 3.0% 1,024.4 12.2% 865.2 543.5% Current
THB 706.69 million as at December 2018 primarily due to: Sep-30 Dec-31 2562 2561 THB Million % ASSETS Total Current Assets 855.42 1,371.59 (516.17) -37.63% Total Non-current Assets 1,554.57 1,745.09
December 2019 31 December 2018 Increase (decrease) % Variance Current assets 4,115 5,248 (1,133) (22%) Non-current assets 3,502 3,622 (120) (3%) Total assets 7,617 8,870 (1,253) (14%) Total assets as at 31
million from decreasing of current assets THB 13 million, while the non- current assets were decreased THB 136 million, which were mainly caused by : 1. Trade and other current receivables were decreased by