) 729.9% Gross profit 426.3 446.0 463.1 3.8% 8.6% 1,200.9 1,337.0 11.3% Net gain (loss) on exchange rate (7.3) (58.6) 37.6 N.A.(>100) N.A.(>100) (83.2) 91.2 N.A.(>100) Gain from business acquisition - - 2.2
% (2,766.3) (3,674.1) 32.8% Gross profit 496.5 463.7 464.1 0.1% (6.5%) 1,401.5 1,399.4 (0.1%) Net gain (loss) on exchange rate 83.6 86.7 113.7 31.1% 36.0% 169.6 195.8 15.4% Gain (loss) on forward contracts 6.0
profits rate from the previous year because of the increase of the Company’s profit capacity. Although, the Company incurred the increased selling and administration expenses comparing to the same period of
, the Company slightly increased its EBITDA profits rate from the previous year because of the increase of the Company’s profit capacity. Although, the Company incurred the increased selling and
of March 31, 2023, which can be summarized as follows: 1) Profit & Loss Analysis : Q1 2023 (3 Months) (Unit : Million Baht unless otherwise stated) Q1 2023 Q1 2022 Change Amount % Change Total Revenues
150.3 63.5 (86.8) (57.7) Costs of Sales and Services (949.5) (1,092.4) (142.9) 15.0 Gross Profit 518.0 541.4 23.4 4.5 Gross Profit from Operation3 367.7 477.9 110.1 30.0 Other Income4 91.9 134.4 42.5 46.2
summarized as follows: 1) Profit & Loss Analysis: Q4 2021 (3 Months) (Unit: Million Baht unless otherwise stated) Q4 2021 Q4 2020 Change Amount % Change Total Revenues 5,849 5,834 15 0.25% Sales and service
Second Quarter of 2018 WHAUP finished our 2Q2018 with a Net Profit was Baht 295.9 million, a 57.8% decreased from 2Q2017 with Normalized Net Profit of Baht 611.2 million, a 1.5% increased from 2Q2017. For
increased because the unit sale price decrease as mentioned above. Also, Sweet corn price and can packaging price, which are major portion of costs, increased in year 2018. Gross profit The company has gross
1 Ref: CIG 003/2563 February 26, 2020 Subject: Profit and loss reporting for the year 2019 and explanation of more than 20 percent fluctuation in profit and loss compared to that of last year. To