land does not come under the scope for the acquisition or disposition of assets having significant value for listed companies. However, the transaction on sale of such land comes under the scope of
business tax, duty and all other expenses concerning land transfer will be responsible by the seller. (same conditions) The change of the company’s land purchaser does not come under the scope for the
business tax, duty and all other expenses concerning land transfer will be responsible by the seller. (same conditions) The change of the company’s land purchaser does not come under the scope for the
formulating the structure and scope of responsibilities of sub-committees and steering groups, the Board employs a check and balance system and corporate governance principles to prevent conflicts of interest
owners tend to maintain control over firms and to be reluctant to disclose information, raising concern for good corporate governance. It was highlighted that significant challenges for family-controlled
................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.3. Scope of the Building Criteria
represented 41.47% relatively steady compared to previous period effect from a promotion that mention above. However, the Company has concern about the maintaining gross profit margin, so the marketing
emphasized that "Sustainable development in the areas of the environment and human rights is an issue that the global community continuously emphasizes, and it has become a primary concern for every country
of concern for regulators is the risks associated with the widespread adoption of digital assets as a means of payment, as discussed above. As the current payment system in Thailand is already
% and 67% of RTO firms in Singapore and Thailand use mixed mode payment involving combination of share swap with cash/warrants is indicative of incoming firm’s concern of valuation uncertainty and