event auditors are unable to perform their duties, Ernst & Young Office Limited is authorized to assign another of its auditors to perform the audit and express an opinion on the Company’s financial
terminated the contract with the distributor which is effective on 3 0 June 2 0 1 9 . During the period, the Company was unable to make any sales through traditional trade channel or assign a new distributor
assign a new distributor while the contract was still applicable. After the termination, the Company stipulated a new policy to engage in distributing products for the channel itself starting July 2019
June 2020, in the value of 46,441,350 baht. As proposed it was an urgent matter failure to do any of these transactions may result in the tap water sale project. the Board of Directors assign the
factor affect Jaymart Group’s performance Jaymart Mobile Exclusive partnership with No.1 Operator to distribute SIM and mobile phone package. JMT JMT’s performance continues to grow, higher cash
capital of SPRIME for 9M19 by decreasing value of the trust units by THB 0.176 (par value per unit from THB 10.00 decreased to THB 9.824) to distribute to the unitholders. Such reduction of paid-up capital
Company could successfully distribute the beverage dispenser (Celli counter beverage dispenser) to a customer in CLMV and currently still obtains continuous order volume from such customer. Besides, The
increase more channels to distribute the Planet’s products as well. Moreover, this disposition of the existing Planet’s ordinary shares was held by the Company at the proportion of 43% of the Planet’s total
Thailand within the same period as having the duty to disclose and distribute such information to members of the Passport Fund/ Regulated CIS (unitholders) in Home Economy. Yes No If “No”, please specify
money for debt repayment has been set aside, the liquidator shall distribute, proportionally to the unitholders’ holding, the remaining money to the unitholders whose names appear on the register of