; - a reimbursement of investigative expenses in an amount of 20,883.59 Baht SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 242 (1) Civil Action Dated 27/02/2023
reimbursement of investigative expenses in an amount of 20,883.00 Baht SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 242 (1) Civil Action Dated 27/02/2023
Action Dated 17/08/2023
) Civil Action Dated 17/08/2023
amendment) Section 244/3 (2) Civil Action Dated 17/08/2023
attorney process. SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 244/3 (2) Civil Action Dated 17/08/2023
) Section 244/3 (2) Civil Action Dated 17/08/2023
are currently under the state attorney process. SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 244/3 (2) Civil Action Dated 17/08/2023
reimbursement of investigative expenses in an amount of 31,777.00 Baht SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 244/3 (2) Civil Action Dated 03/03/2023
cases are currently under the state attorney process. SEC Act (the fifth amendment) Section 244/3 (2) Civil Action Dated 17/08/2023