card revenue in Cambodia grew by 53% from last year. - Loans In the first quarter of 2018, loans shared 29% of total turnovers (shared 17% from personal loan and 12% from purposed loan for mobile phone
% of total turnovers (shared 19% from personal loan and 11% from purposed loan for mobile phones, IT products, electrical appliances and etc. at department stores and over 17,870 dealers nationwide) with
, loans shared 25% of total turnovers (shared 19% from personal loan and 6% from purposed loan for mobile phone, IT products, electrical appliances and etc. at department stores and over 6,660 dealers
3.0% QoQ, mainly from the decrease in mobile top-up value as a result of the low-season in mobile industry, the marketing campaigns to promote postpaid and e-Wallet usages, the increase in number of
“AEON 365 DAYS PRIVILEGES” which offering privileges to AEON credit card holders by adding new partners Lazada and Food Panda, customers can get a discount code through AEON THAI MOBILE Application. For
For the first quarter of 2022, motorcycle and used car hire purchase in Thailand and electrical appliances, mobile phones in overseas business, with the revenues of 267 million baht, decreased by 6
Company provided for clients in mobile operator sector. In addition, gross loss from information technology solutions was THB 0.56 million, decreased by THB 5.44 million or -111.52% YoY. The gross loss
Service ผ่าน Mobile Application ครอบคลมุงาน บริการมากกวา่ 40 รายการ ซึง่ถือเป็นอีกหนึง่กลยทุธ์ในการเติบโตในอนาคต ส าหรับแผนการขยายสาขาในไตรมาส 1 ยังคงเป็นไปตามแผนที่ก าหนดไว้ โดยบริษัทฯ ได้เปิดสาขาของ โฮม
Exchange. As of 30 September 2019, Permata had 332 outlets (including branches and mobile branches) and 989 ATMs across 62 cities in Indonesia. Permata has loans of approximately IDR 108 trillion
สามเดอืนและหกเดอืนสิน้สดุวนัที ่30 มถุินายน 2563 ลดลงอยา่งมนียัส าคญั เน่ืองจากผลกระทบของการแพรร่ะบาดของโรคตดิเชือ้ไวรสัโคโรน่า (COVID-19) โดยตรงซึง่หลกัๆ มาจากการจดังาน Thailand Mobile EXPO ไดถู้ก