additionally purchase the total number of shares in KPN Academy from other shareholders under the same conditions applying with the Existing Shareholders. Therefore, in case that there is an adjustment in the
; (c) Principle 26 (formerly Principle 19) - Regulation should require disclosure, as set forth under the principles for issuers, which is necessary to evaluate the suitability of a CIS for a particular
the Allocation and Offering of the Newly Issued Ordinary Shares of the Company under the Debt to Equity Conversion Scheme, Link Capital I will become a juristic person with the same majority
with the other asset disposal transactions occurring during the past six months prior to the date of the transaction (by applying the same calculation method under the first calculation basis i.e. the
during the past six months prior to the date of the transaction (by applying the same calculation method under the first calculation basis i.e. the Net Tangible Asset Basis, with the details as follows: (1
forecasted to reach 31,269 megawatts in 2018, which increased by 9.42 percent from peak demand in 2017. At the same time, electricity consumption was forecasted to be 193,771 gigawatt-hours, higher than
ยก์ำรคำ้เดมิ (same store rental rate growth) เตบิโตรอ้ยละ 4.2 จำกปีกอ่น หรอืเพิม่ขึน้จำก 1,492 บำทตอ่ตำรำงเมตรเป็น 1,555 บำทต่อ ตำรำงเมตร เป็นผลจำกกำรเติบโตของอัตรำค่ำเช่ำและกำรลดลงของส่วนลดค่ำเช่ำใน ศนู
derivatives exchange and such regulations is the same matter under this Chapter, and the Stock Exchange or the derivatives exchange has already imposed a penalty on such persons in accordance with their
same matter under this Chapter, and the Stock Exchange or the derivatives exchange has already imposed a penalty on such persons in accordance with their respective regulations, the SEC Office may not
กำรศนูยก์ำรคำ้ทัง้หมด ณ ไตรมำส 1 ปี 2561 อยูท่ี ่1,671 บำทตอ่ ตำรำงเมตรต่อเดือน โดยอัตรำค่ำเช่ำเฉลี่ยของศูนย์กำรคำ้เดมิ (same store rental rate growth) เตบิโตรอ้ยละ 3.1 จำกชว่งเดยีวกนัของปีกอ่น หรอื