changes, whereby urban population nowadays tend to spend more time outside their homes; the rapid increase of the number of Internet users; and the growing recognition of these media as effective
Financial Reporting Standard No. 15 (Revised) : Revenue from Contracts with Customers, effective 1 January 2019 has impacted on the Company and its subsidiaries’ financial statement as follows : o Brand
holding companies in Europe. Our effective tax rate increased to 22.4% from 15.3% in the prior period. 10. Total adjustment to Earnings, pre-tax was THB 267 million for the nine-month period ended September
564 million, increased by THB 196 million or 53.1%, representing the effective corporate income tax rate of 18.6% down from the ratio of 27.7% mainly due to the higher income tax expenses from better
sugar tax and excise tax effective in Oct’19. “Fit Fast Firm” project deliverables in 2019 are lower raw material and packaging costs, packaging optimization, new lighter weight bottles and more
operations in which allowing the Company still have good operating results in the future. The Company is aware of the important accounting standards that have changed and been effective since the beginning of
effective interest rate ของหนีสิน , ค่าทปีรึกษา, และ ค่าใช้จ่ายทางการขายและการตลาดในการเปิดตัวโครงการใหม่ รายได้จากการขายบ้านและอาคารชุด ณ 31 ธนัวาคม 2562 บริษทัฯและบริษทัยอ่ยมีการพฒันาโครงการอสังหาริมทรัพย
Social Security Office The Social Security Office has adjusted the budget regarding medical fees, which will be effective from 1 January 2020, the details are as follows: 1. Basic Capitation (Fixed payment
Credit Loss Impairment: POCI) ซึ่งบริษัทจะต้องประมำณกำรกระแสเงินสดจำกกองหนี้ด้อยคุณภำพ ดังกล่ำว เพื่อค ำนวณหำอัตรำดอกเบ้ียที่แท้จริงที่ปรับลดควำมเสี่ยงทำงด้ำนเครดิต (Effective Interest Rate: EIR) เพื่อค ำ
International Financial Reporting Interpretations (Revised 2016), including Accounting Practices, which were effective for the financial statements beginning on or after January 1, 2017. Such financial reporting