from the 33.6% gross profit margin of Q1 2017 thanks to the economies of scale and efficiency in cost management which reduce production cost per unit of energy drink in both bottle and can format as
”), received a warm welcome from domestic market after a pre-launch in March 2019 via cash van distribution system thanks to its well acknowledged product quality and its attractive lower retailing price as
significantly escalated from 1Q2019 thanks to the Government’ s announcement of B10 biodiesel as the mandatory diesel in Thailand replacing B7 biodiesel from January 1, 2020 onwards and the increasing of the B10
. For residential business, the Company strongly believe that thanks to prime location of the Company’s residential projects as well as demand from foreign buyers looking for a second home in Thailand due
the protracted US-China trade negotiations and concerns over Brexit risks. For the final quarter of this year, a brighter outlook seems to be in store for the Thai economy, thanks to the government’s
further expanded one Mikka outlet in Victory Monument area and has set up Mikka temporary booth in Emquatier shopping mall. Thanks to the pandemic that has created the work-from-home culture, the Company’s
increased 24.2% from Baht 621.6 million in Q2 2022 to Baht 772.3 million in Q2 2023. Gross profit margin increased from 10.1% in Q2 2022 to 10.8% in Q2 2023 thanks to the following reasons: 1) Higher order
decreased by 16.1% in Q2 2024 hence lower volume from major customers. Our revenue outperformed the industry however; thanks to our geographic diversification with satisfactory contribution from our
ชันี SET50 ยอ้นหลงั 3 ปี เป็นตน้ (5) การเปิดเผยขอ้มูลผลการด าเนินงานของกองทุนรวม - หลกัเกณฑปั์จจุบนั : ก าหนดให้ บลจ. ตอ้งเปิดเผยขอ้มูลผลการด าเนินงาน ความผนัผวนของผลการด าเนินงาน (“standard deviation
) ตัง้แตจดัตัง้กองทนุรวม คอื -6.01% 4. ความผนัผวนของผลการดำเนนิงาน (standard deviation) ตัง้แตจัดตัง้กองทนุรวม คอื 14.62% 5. ประเภทกองทนุรวมเพือ่ใชเปรยีบเทยีบผลการดำเนนิงาน ณ จดุขาย คอื US Equity 6. ผล