in the development of these Criteria. Members are listed in Appendix 1. Particular thanks are given to Resource and Waste Solution’s Terry Coleman, the lead specialist coordinating the development of
from a 2018 base year: 16 The annual linear intensity reduction of SPT 2 is 3.33% per year: Therefore, SPT 2 meets the scope 3 target ambition criterion for targets that do not lead to increases in
balance among personnel of such units. By at least not entrust any person to perform the duties throughout the entire operation process as it may lead to corruption. Clause 8. A securities company shall
ญาตใหเ้พิม่ทุนจากหน่วยงานทีก่ ากบัดแูล (lead regulator) (กรณีทีก่ฎหมายก าหนดใหต้อ้งขออนุญาต) (ถา้ม)ี ฉบบัจรงิ 0 ฉบับ ส ำเนำ 1 ฉบับ หมำยเหต ุ - 12) หนงัสอืมอบอ านาจจากบรษิทัให ้FA เป็นผูย้ ืน่ค าขอผา่นระบบ
company has shown insufficient commitment to aligning its business strategies with 1.5°C pathways) and to address deforestation impacts, risks and opportunities. Actively participate in and/or lead
where it is appropriate to direct the issue. Is it a matter for the board of directors in its entirety? The chair or the lead director? Or a particular committee that may be responsible for the issues of
acting in the manner of dishonesty, deceit or fraud relating to offences against property; (b) having inappropriate management or not complying with law or orders of lead regulator; (c) acting against the
feedbacks would minimize adverse effects of the deficiencies and lead to quicker improvements. Results from the inspections during the first half of 2014 revealed prevalent deficiencies on the uses of
report. This will ultimately lead to more useful, more accurate and more relevant financial information. Moreover, the SEC circulated the findings arising from audit inspection, namely risk assessments and
outsource ไปยังผูรับ outsource ในตางประเทศ ผูรับ outsource ตองเปนไปตามเกณฑ ดังนี ้ (1) ไดรับอนญุาตใหประกอบธุรกิจดังกลาวจากหนวยงานกํากับดูแล (lead regulator) ที่มีคุณสมบตัิอยางใดอยางหนึ่ง ดงัตอไป