agreement with another business group, identify the name and the shareholding proportion of the joint venture partner. (If there are numerous subsidiaries or affiliates, they may be presented in business
another business group, identify the name and the shareholding proportion of the joint venture partner. (If there are numerous subsidiaries or affiliates, they may be presented in business groups; - In case
certain percentage of the debt securities have instructed the representative to take certain action. 4. Disclose whether the representative may also require indemnification before proceeding to enforce a
ทีส่ามารถสะทอ้นราคาหุน้ทีอ่อกใหม ่เชน่ อตัราสว่นราคาตอ่ก าไรตอ่หุน้ (price-earning ratio) อตัราสว่นเงนิปันผลตอบแทน (dividend yield) หรอือตัราสว่นทางการเงนิอืน่ ๆ ตามความ เหมาะสมของแตล่ะอตุสาหกรรมพรอ้ม
proportion of 51 percent 2. Capital Increase Form (F53-4) 3. Information Memorandum regarding the offer of newly issued shares by capital increase of East Coast Public Company Limited to the specific person
Passenger - Kilometers 16.4 1,018.3 948.3 2,293.0 Domestic 16.4 539.5 612.6 1,282.6 International - 478.8 335.7 1,010.4 Passenger Load Factor Percentage 47.3 65.2 61.7 70.1 Domestic 47.3 68.9 68.9 75.2
บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Method Formula Calcution Value 1.) Net Tangible Assets NTA of HSMC x Holding Percentage NTA of Company Cannot be calculated due to the HSMC will be set up on 15 July 2015 2
shares to shareholders of the Company who are entitled to subscribe those shares in proportion to the shareholding (Pre-emptive Right). The Spin-off Plan will dilute the Company’s shareholding in EP and
of shareholding structure, structure and proportion of shareholding shall be explained together with name list of other shareholding. The explanation, i.e., shareholding percentage and structure, other
structure, structure and proportion of shareholding shall be explained together with name list of other shareholding. The explanation, i.e., shareholding percentage and structure, other shareholders names