บริษทั ไฮโดรเท็ค จ ำกดั (มหำชน) Method Formula Calcution Value 1.) Net Tangible Assets NTA of HSMC x Holding Percentage NTA of Company Cannot be calculated due to the HSMC will be set up on 15 July 2015 2
of shareholding structure, structure and proportion of shareholding shall be explained together with name list of other shareholding. The explanation, i.e., shareholding percentage and structure, other
structure, structure and proportion of shareholding shall be explained together with name list of other shareholding. The explanation, i.e., shareholding percentage and structure, other shareholders names
structure, structure and proportion of shareholding shall be explained together with name list of other shareholding. The explanation, i.e., shareholding percentage and structure, other shareholders names
structure, structure and proportion of shareholding shall be explained together with name list of other shareholding. The explanation, i.e., shareholding percentage and structure, other shareholders names
Number of Units 2 Voting rights3 Percentage 4 I Reporting person II Concert party of I (please specify the name(s)) 1. 2. III Person(s) under Section 258 of I and II (please specify the name(s)) 1. 2. IV
structure, structure and proportion of shareholding shall be explained together with name list of other shareholding. The explanation, i.e., shareholding percentage and structure, other shareholders names
structure, structure and proportion of shareholding shall be explained together with name list of other shareholding. The explanation, i.e., shareholding percentage and structure, other shareholders names
Number of Units 2 Voting rights3 Percentage 4 I Reporting person II Concert party of I (please specify the name(s)) 1. 2. III Person(s) under Section 258 of I and II (please specify the name(s)) 1. 2. IV
securities Number of Units 2 Voting rights3 Percentage 4 I Reporting person II Concert party of I (please specify the name(s)) 1. 2. III Person(s) under Section 258 of I and II (please specify the name(s)) 1