purchase date indicated in Share Sale and Purchase Agreement . 4. The details of assets purchased 4.1 Nature of business At-Ze established in 2011 and operated business Original Equipment Manufacturer or OEM
established in 2011 and operated business Original Equipment Manufacturer or OEM for skincare, cosmetics, supplementary food and skin medicine under trademarks including trademark of “DERMALIS”, (which will be
shares Company’s name Aesthetic Zecret (At-Ze) Co., Ltd. Business type At-Ze established in 2011 and operated business Original Equipment Manufacturer or OEM for skincare, cosmetics, supplementary food and
Microsoft Word - ELCID_Telemax Capital Increase No. FER 600195 March 23, 2018 Subject : Notification of the capital increase and investment plan of its subsidiary Attention : President, The
. Total Revenue The total revenue of the Company and its subsidiary for the second quarter of the year 2017 was Baht 28.65 million, decreasing by Baht 1.19 million or 3.99% when compared to that of Baht
subsidiary for the third quarter of the year 2017 was Baht 22.33 million, decreasing by Baht 30.23 million or 57.52% when compared to that of Baht 52.56 million in the third quarter of the year 2016. The total
Operating Results and Financial Position of the Company and its subsidiary 1.1 Analysis of Overall Operating Results for the Company and its subsidiary for the six-month period ended June 30, 2019 Table 1
Subject Notification of disposal of shares in the subsidiary (revised subject and additional content) To The President of The Stock Exchange of Thailand The Meeting of the Board of Director Meeting of
March 20, 2019 Re: Notification of the Resolutions on the Acquisition of Land and Establishment of Subsidiary To: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Attachment 1. Information Memorandum of the
แนวทางปฏิบัติ (UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION) Readers should be aware that only the original Thai text has legal force, and that this English translation is strictly for reference. Notification of Practice