-use development projects, as many of GLAND’s assets are located in high-potential locations capable of large-scale project development, thus increases the competitiveness in the industry and create
-use development projects, as many of GLAND’s assets are located in high-potential locations capable of large-scale project development, thus increases the competitiveness in the industry and create
products to Japanese OEMs. 3. The Company expects that the Transaction, through cooperation and economies of scale between the Company and SGAH, would enhance its earnings performance and extend its global
, the USA, and the People’s Republic of China, and in introducing SGAH’s products to Japanese OEMs. 3. The Company expects that the Transaction, through cooperation and economies of scale between the
scale will enable IVL to better meet customers’ evolving needs. This table analyzes the recent trends with regards to the Com- pany’s recent quarterly opera- tional performance. On a year-on-year basis
ช่วง on-peak เพ่ือเพ่ิมส่วนแบ่งการตลาดและ ลดต้นทุนจากการผลิตแบบ economy of scale ซึ่งจะสนับสนุนการท าก าไรของบริษัทให้เพิ่มมากข้ึนในอนาคต สถานการณ์อุตสาหกรรมเหล็กของโลก ตามรายงานการผลิตเหล็กดิบ (crude
approximately 25% which should lead to the higher earnings for the Company on a per-tonne basis with scale and product mix impact. This is superior to existing portfolio which based on 2H17 run-rate provides a
approximately 25% which should lead to the higher earnings for the Company on a per-tonne basis with scale and product mix impact. This is superior to existing portfolio which based on 2H17 run-rate provides a
of GLAND’s assets are located in high-potential locations capable of large-scale project development, thus increases the competitiveness in the industry and create sustainable return to shareholders in
กำรปรับปรุงใหม่ และโรงแรมท่ีเป็นสญัญำเช่ำด ำเนินงำนใหม่ ๆ เพ่ือให้มัน่ใจว่ำเรำจะได้รับประโยชน์จำกกำรประหยดัต่อขนำด (Economies of Scale) นอกจำกนี ้บริษัทฯ ยงัได้ร่วมเป็นพนัธมิตรกับผู้พฒันำอสงัหำริมทรัพย์