percent, and the total capital ratio at no less than 8.50 percent – measured as a percentage of total risk-weighted assets. The BOT also requires a capital conservation buffer, phasing in an additional
the reduced Heavy Sour Crude supplies, after Iran was sanctioned by the US. Management Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation for FY2018 Bangchak Corporation Plc. I 11 Crack Spreads Situation
Dubai price decreased by 0.70 USD/BBL. This is due to the pressure from an increase in supply of Light Sweet Crude which adjusted upward from Libya, Nigeria, and the US. Also the supply for Heavy Sour
refineries switching to Light grade crude, especially Chinese refineries, which has also lowered purchase of Heavy grade crude due to OPEC’s production reduction that caused the product’s shortage and price
Heavy grade crude becoming considerably harder, due to various countries having to reduce crude purchase from Iran to avoid any potential conflicts with the US. The spread between Dated Brent and Dubai
increase in gas consumption arising from the inclusion of the power plants, despite partly offset by a decrease in the average effective price of natural gas price which is tied to the weighted average price
%) 5,757 5,117 (11.1%) Note (1) Based on the weighted average number of keys for the year. In particular, the Company added 19 newly built pool villas to Santiburi Koh Samui in May 2018, thereby increasing
gas consumption arising from the inclusion of the power plants, despite partly offset by a decrease in the average effective price of natural gas price which is tied to the weighted average price for
) Weighted average of ordinary shares (share) 284.26 389.97 389.97 389.97 Cashflow Statement 2014 2015 2016 2017 6M THB mn THB mn THB mn THB mn Cash Flow From Operation Activities Loss before income tax income
required in accordance with the relevant notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Board. “Market Price” means the weighted average price of the Company’s shares listed on the SET for the previous 7