Change (AIGCC) is the leading network of institutional investors in Asia focused on the impact of climate change on investments. AIGCC provides capacity and a trusted forum for investors active in Asia to
that the results might not be worth the fees, (2) equity funds in Thailand do not have the characteristic of active management and yield similar returns to the general market, which leads to the fact
our continuing efforts to promote investor education and our active support to IOSCO World Investor Week 2019,” added Ms. Ruenvadee. ________________________
Bangkok, November 27, 2006 ? The SEC, Thailand has pushed forward active cooperation and exchange of information among capital market regulators at the recent annual meeting of the International
firm executives against whom the SEC files a criminal complaint as person of untrustworthy characteristics, active participation of minority shareholders in Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
หลักเกณฑในการใชทรัสต สําหรับการบริหารและจดัการลงทุน (Active trust) สํานักงานอยูระหวางดําเนินการ ซ่ึงจะเปดรับฟงความ คิดเห็นเปนรายธุรกรรมตอไป เอกสารฉบับนี้จึงไดจดัทําขึ้นเพื่อรับฟงความคิดเห็นจาก
the Record Date of the shareholders names who will be entitled to receive dividend 8 May 2018, the Closing Date of shareholders names to be collected pursuant to Section 225 of the Securities and
510.75 million, it has been collected in total of THB 264.86 million and the trade accounts receivable which was overdue by lower 6 months has been collected in total of THB 95.98 million (up to 28
the persons who commit offenses as prescribed by the acts/royal decrees under the power and duties of the SEC Office. 1. Personal data collected by the SEC Office: The SEC Office collects the following
well as the persons who commit offenses as prescribed by the acts/royal decrees under the power and duties of the SEC Office. 1. Personal data collected by the SEC Office: The SEC Office collects the