in this news release is as of the aforementioned release date. For those who wish to see current status of the matter, please go to compliant filed with inquiry officer
is a violation of Section 89/7 of the SEA.Information contained in this news release is as of the aforementioned release date. For those who wish to see current status of the matter, please go to
for new stores in hardline and food segment, 2 Thai Watsadu, 1 GO! Mall and 1 BigC stores. The Company has strict measure to maximize cost saving. 6. Finance costs was THB 615 million, increased by
ซึง่กำรกลบัรำยกำรดงักล่ำวคดิเป็นมลูค่ำ 73.3 ลำ้นบำท ส ำหรบักำรขยำยสำขำในไตรมำส 1 ปี 2563 บรษิทัฯ เปิดสำขำ Dohome To Go เพิม่ 1 สำขำคอื เทสโกโ้ลตสัสำขำ บำงนำ ท ำใหปั้จจุบนัมสีำขำขนำดใหญ่ทีเ่ปิดบรกิำรทัง้
ปีระสทิธภิาพมากยิง่ขึน้ส่งผลใหค้่าใชจ้่ายในการขายและบรหิารลดลงร้อย ละ 2.9 จากไตรมาส 3 ปี 2561 ส าหรบัการขยายสาขาในไตรมาสที ่3 บรษิทัฯ เปิดสาขา Dohome To Go เพิม่ 2 สาขาในเดอืนกรกฎาคม 2562 ทีแ่มค็โครสา
, on January 2018, the Court has ordered Saraburi to go bankrupt. On May 8, 2017, the Company issued a letter notifying the termination of Saraburi’s responsibilities in the joint venture. As a result
NWR-SBCC Joint Venture. Consequently, on January 2018, the Court has ordered Saraburi to go bankrupt. On May 8, 2017, the Company issued a letter notifying the termination of Saraburi’s responsibilities
responsibilities in the NWR-SBCC Joint Venture. Consequently, on January 2018, the Court has ordered Saraburi to go bankrupt. On May 8, 2017, the Company issued a letter notifying the termination of Saraburi’s
Venture. Consequently, on January 2018, the Court has ordered Saraburi to go bankrupt. On May 8, 2017, the Company issued a letter notifying the termination of Saraburi’s responsibilities in the joint
. ----------------------------Information contained in this news release is as of the aforementioned release date. For those who wish to see current status of the matter, please go to compliant filed with inquiry officer