companies; Integrating climate-related risks and opportunities into equity analysis and valuation” เมื่อวันที่ 28 มิถุนายน 2567 เพื่อส่งเสริมให้นักวิเคราะห์การลงทุนมีความรู้ความเข้าใจในการนำข้อมูลด้าน ESG โดย
region, market, and industry in which an organization operates. Climate-related risk, in line with the TCFD, refers to the potential negative impacts of climate change on an organization. Physical risks
and adequately throughout the period of participating in the regulatory sandbox ; (b) assessing and managing potential risks from service provision; (c) having procedures for communicating and providing
throughout the period of participating in the regulatory sandbox; (b) assessing and managing potential risks from service provision; (c) having procedures for communicating and providing services to clients
throughout the period of participating in the regulatory sandbox; (b) assessing and managing potential risks from service provision; (c) having procedures for communicating and providing services to clients
service provision appropriately and adequately throughout the period of participating in the regulatory sandbox ; (b) assessing and managing potential risks from service provision; (c) having procedures for
service provision appropriately and adequately throughout the period of participating in the regulatory sandbox; (b) assessing and managing potential risks from service provision; (c) having procedures for
service provision appropriately and adequately throughout the period of participating in the regulatory sandbox; (b) assessing and managing potential risks from service provision; (c) having procedures for
Environment 1 1.1 Global and Thai Economy in 2019 and Outlook for 2020 1 1.2 Banking Industry, Competition and Emerging Risks 2 1.3 Significant Regulations and Rules related to Business Operations 5 2. Risk
such products or services to clients; (c) providing an instrument or media for personnel under (a) to clarify characteristics and risks of capital market products or services to clients, as deemed