Board of Directors regarding related party transaction The Company’s Board of Directors and Audit Committed have carefully considered that such related party transaction has been done appropriately and
of Directors No. 7/2018, held on 27 June 2018, has carefully considered this investment, especially the benefits from the transaction, and has an opinion that the entering into the transaction (1
Board of Directors on the entering into the transaction The meeting of Board of Directors No. 7/2018, held on 27 June 2018, has carefully considered this investment, especially the benefits from the
Directors on the entering into the transaction The meeting of Board of Directors No. 7/2018, held on 19 July 2018, has carefully considered this investment, especially the benefits from the transaction, and
. 13/2018, held on 13 November 2018, has carefully considered this transaction, by considering the conditions of the transaction, the appropriateness of the sale value and the ability to repay of the
the entry of transaction The Board of Directors meeting No.13/2018 held on December 12, 2018, which has considered these transactions carefully and then by considering all the conditions, the
allocated for fixed broadband. This budgeted CAPEX is mainly for 4G capacity expansion incorporating our plan to ensure 5G-compatible architecture and our focus to carefully balancing investment with return
’ Meeting No. 1/2019, held on 18 February 2019, has carefully considered this transaction, by considering the conditions of the transaction, the appropriateness of the sale value. The Meeting considered that
transaction The resolution of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 1/2019, held on 18 February 2019, has carefully considered this transaction, by considering the conditions of the transaction, the
, held on 9 September 2019, has carefully considered this transaction, by considering the conditions of the transaction, the appropriateness of sale value and considered that the investment of the