performance by tracking the benchmarks (passive management/index tracking) − aiming to achieve higher performance than the benchmarks (active management) − aiming to achieve performance relative to those of the
/index tracking) − aiming to achieve higher performance than the benchmarks (active management) − aiming to achieve performance relative to those of the master fund (passive management/index tracking
ที่ ........ โปรดระบ ุ% ลกูคา้ทีใ่ชบ้รกิารตอ่เนื่อง (active users).........% ขอ้มลู ณ วันที.่.......... หมายเหต ุ: active users หมายถงึลกูคา้ทีม่กีารท าธรุกรรม ซือ้ขายอยา่งนอ้ย 1 ครัง้ในแตล่ะเดอืน
Dissemination of Information Relating to Securities Offering Prior to the Effectiveness of Registration Statement and Draft Prospectus (No. 2)
Dissemination of Information Relating to Securities Offering Prior to the Effectiveness of Registration Statement and Draft Prospectus (No. 3)
adverse impacts on environment and society. Business units are responsible for continuous and active management of all relevant risk exposure to be in line with its returns and risk appetite. Risk
for continuous and active management of all relevant risk exposure to be in line with its returns and risk appetite. Risk management and control units are responsible for providing independent and
Economics from Keio University, Japan and a Ph.D. in the same field from Washington University, USA. She was Deputy Governor of the central bank prior to her appointment as the Governor. C O R P O R A T E R E
stakeholders in corporate governance; The Principles encourage active co-operation between corporations and stakeholders and underline the importance of recognising the rights of stakeholders established by law
recommendations in the Principles will apply but others may be less relevant. We also acknowledge different investment strategies, for example as employed by passive or active funds, and advocate that shareholders